All posts by Ann Arora

Chippendale New World Art Prize 2015

My painting Observer has been selected as a finalist in the 2015 Chippendale New World Art Prize!

Artist statement

Phenomena – experienced through the mind of the Observer – intuited, glimpsed, felt, known or imagined. The use of the Ruckenfigur or back-figure is a nod to the Romantics and the Kantian notion of the Sublime. It is also a means to observe the body within space that is unaware of being watched. Within our selfie-obsessed visual culture, images of the unself-conscious body become rarefied and increasingly interesting both visually and ideologically. According to Kant phenomena refers to appearances or objects, which are perceived, observed or apprehended through experience, reliant upon our sensory intuition of things and offering glimpses into collective truths. The visual tension between form and formlessness, detail and incompleteness interest me as they align with our attempts to make sense of the metaphysical world.

Ann Arora 2015

Observer oil on canvas 36x36cm 2015


Portia Geach 2013

Peter Fay
Peter Fay

Portia Geach Memorial Award 2013

I have been selected as a finalist in the 2013 Portia Geach Memorial Award with my portrait of Peter Fay. The exhibition is on at the National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery from the 4th October to the 17th November.  Thank you to the lovely Peter Fay for sitting for me!

Please come and have a look!

Artist Statement

I first met curator and collector Peter Fay by chance through a mutual friend. He generously agreed to sit for a portrait for me and a firm friendship has ensued.

During the two to three sittings for the painting our conversations ranged from favourite Australian and American painters to outsider and children’s art, literature and the profession of teaching – interests we share. While Peter left teaching many years ago there is still an inherent quality of the guide/mentor/provocateur in Peter, which gets you thinking outside the box, generating discussion and debate.

 A shared love of the American painter Milton Avery inspired the composition of the painting after an Avery portrait of fellow artist Marsden Hartley, which somehow reminded me of Peter. There is a “what you see is what you get” honesty and openness about Peter that I hope the painting conveys.

Ann Arora 2013

Hide & Seek


Upcoming Exhibition at Sheffer Gallery

18th – 28th September 2013

Opening Saturday 21st September 4-6pm

This is my first solo show. The paintings explore themes of childhood connection with nature. My ‘child’ figures, are seen within the landscape often from behind – a nod to the Ruckenfigur of the Romantics. I am also showing some Fauve-inspired portraits which aim to capture interior/psychological thresholds.

Sheffer Gallery
38 Lander Street Darlington 2008
Gallery Hours: Wed to Sat, 11am – 6pm